Sunday, January 22, 2012

The 2012 Challenge to FIGHT against Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery

To follow my blog about modern-day slavery and human trafficking called SLAVERY TODAY, go here -

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month.

God has been tugging at my heart to FIGHT AGAINST SEX TRAFFICKING in Milwaukee and around the world since the summer of 2010. In May/June of that year, I participated in Love146's Tread on Trafficking, which was a fitness event to raise funds to combat child sex trafficking. In a month and a half, I exercised 86 miles and raised over $1,000 for Love146's prevention and aftercare programs.

Since then I have begun a monthly prayer group focusing on sex trafficking in Milwaukee, Thailand, and around the world. In November, I attended a 7-hour Human Trafficking Training that gave me plenty of resources not only for combatting this issue, but also for counseling trafficked victims.

As I have been thinking about 2012, I know God is continuing to ask me to fight the injustices in this world. As I learned about National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month, I couldn't help but get excited about the opportunity to start out my year fighting these evils called modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

My goal EACH MONTH of 2012 is to raise awareness about modern-day slavery and/or human trafficking.

IN THE MONTH OF JANUARY, I will be tracking the miles that I exercise to raise money for an organization called BASICS in Milwaukee. Mike Moses of BASICS has developed a Human Trafficking Awareness Program that EDUCATES high school students and church groups about this issue. Mike has also just begun an AFTERCARE mentoring program for rescued victims of trafficking. The Milwaukee aftercare program is one that supports the victims in many ways: learning how to trust again, developing life skills such as cooking, time management, or resume writing, re-entering high school or preparing for a GED, obtaining a driver's license, etc.

I am praying that my family and friends will be moved to financially support the fight against this incredible injustice by sponsoring me through this fitness challenge.

I consider it a blessing to be a part of God’s work in this world. My prayer as for SLAVERY TODAY blog is that each person that reads it may gain a little bit more knowledge about modern-day slavery and human trafficking, and in their own way will find a way to combat it.

For more information about modern-day slavery and trafficking, click here -->

Other websites:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Not For Sale,
Call & Response,
International Justice Mission,

FACT: 6 girls are rescued per month in the city of Milwaukee alone. Those being rescued are the small minority of those being trafficked.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A God-Centered Trust Leads to Rest

I began 2011 with a restless heart, desperately desiring to understand and find true rest. Maybe I will write a book about it someday, but for now, let me just share one tidbit about what God taught me in regards to rest this year.


Trust: reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc. of a person

Having complete confidence in God’s promises – He will always love me…never abandon me…and has plans for me that are too great to know…has brought rest to my life, a peace that is unexplainable. So often I desire to be in control of my life, prepped for and planning the future I believe would best suit me, but I learned that…


My lack of trust in God’s promises led me to believe that I could create a life for myself that would supersede anything God could offer me. The truth is it is only when I release the tight grip of control, and begin depending on God, focusing my heart and mind on His promises that I will find true rest.

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.” Psalm 62:5

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Does obedience lead to rest?

I am at a crossroad. I can take the easy path or I can take the hard path.

As I was leaving church today, I was headed toward the easy path. The city roads that get me home in approximately the same amount of time no matter the day or hour. As I was preparing to turn right down the easy path, I made the decision to turn left. At that moment, I had no idea God was going to use I94-E to illustrate His desires for me.

Before I had even gotten into my car, I decided that I was going to use the time it took to drive home to listen for God’s voice. I didn’t know if He was going to speak. I didn’t know if I was going to hear Him.

I heard the sirens as I merged onto the freeway, and very quickly after I sped up to 60 miles an hour, I realized the ambulance, lights flashing, was behind me. I pulled to the side, and suddenly traffic slowed to a crawl. The ambulance sped past on the 2-lane interstate, and I stood still.

As I crawled along I94-E, I began thinking about that past fifteen minutes. Why did I want to take the city roads? There is certainty in taking the city roads. Sure, I’ll hit a stop light here or there, and maybe get stuck behind a slow driver, but most often, I will get home in approximately 25 minutes regardless. Why did I hesitate to take the freeway? There is uncertainty in taking the freeway, especially since there is construction that brings it from a 3 to a 2-lane highway. If I hit traffic, it might take me 45 minutes to get home. Ugh!

I chose to take the uncertain path today, of course, with the hopes that it would be even easier than the easy path. Unfortunately (because it took me a long time to get home)…or fortunately (I heard God’s voice)…whichever way I look at it, it turned out to be the hard path. Full of uncertainty and the “W” word. Waiting. There have been many times I have wanted to scramble those dreaded letters and officially take the word out of the Dictionary, but of course, I have no bearing on which words can be rejected…I don’t even know if words can be rejected. Anyway, here I sat in my sputtering Hyundai waiting (there’s something wrong with the mass air flow system so at times I thought I was going to be holding up traffic even longer w/ a dead car on the already 1-lane down highway).

I began thinking about a situation I am in right now in which I just want to take the easy path. I know, however, that God is asking me to choose the other path, the one with all kinds of uncertainty. I want with every ounce of energy to run down the easy path and never look back. As I continued to creep along the road, I saw an opportunity to get on to the blessed easy path! An exit ramp back to the city roads. I could be home in no time. As I was pondering this, I felt an overwhelming desire to continue down the hard path…to fight…to obey…to eventually conquer. Just past the exit, traffic began moving a little bit more quickly, and finally, I was on an open road working my way back up to 60 mph. Freedom.

I felt God saying, “Daughter, I’m calling you to the hard path, and I want you to obey. I know it is uncertain, and you’re scared but listen, baby girl, I want you to believe that I will be with you as you work your way through, and ultimately, you will find freedom at the end.”

I am choosing the hard road for a second time today. I am choosing to obey in the midst of uncertainty and fear, knowing that freedom is just up ahead. I have never been thankful for traffic, but today I am.

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Little Girl and Her Daddy


“First He brought me here, it is by His will that I am in this strait place: in that fact I will REST.
Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace to behave as His child.
Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow.
Last, in His good time He can bring me out again—how and when He knows.
Let me say I am here,

1. By God’s appointment,
2. In His keeping,
3. Under His training,
4. For His time.”

-Andrew Murray

RESTing in the midst of difficult seasons is not easy for me. Typically these seasons are filled with anxiety, confusion, frustration, and gloom. I ask “why” and rarely find an answer. I try to run away, but rarely is that possible. I attempt to bury my head in the sand as if “hiding” is going to make the pain go away.

It isn’t until I turn my eyes to the One who brought me (or allowed me to be) here, that I find REST. He is the only One that can truly turn my anxiety to peace…confusion to clarity…frustration to serenity…gloom to joy. It is only through His love and grace that I can survive these trials in obedience, knowing that I will come out understanding a little bit more deeply what it means to REST in the midst of suffering. As I reflect on this now, I feel a sense of great peace knowing that my Daddy brings me into these difficult seasons only out of love for His little girl AND that He will always bring me out more mature and complete…and more in love with Him, which I’m guessing is exactly what a Daddy wants from His little girl.

So now I crawl up into His lap, tired and weary, lay my head on His chest, feeling His strong heartbeat full of love for me, and ask Him to help me be obedient in the midst of this season where I want to throw in the towel and say, “I’m done”.

“God will always make a way for His tired, yet trusting, children, even if He must split the sea to do it.”
-From a book called, “The Red Sea Rules”

Saturday, March 19, 2011



“I can finally breathe.
Suddenly alive.
I can finally move.
The world feels revived.”

“Breathe” by Anberlin

This song has a lot of memories.

I remember a time when the tears would often uncontrollably roll down my cheeks while I listened to these words, so badly desiring to breathe again. This was a stormy season in which I felt my spirit being stifled and my world rocked, the wind knocked out of me over and over again. During my jogs, I would cry out, “Lord, I want to breathe again! I want to feel alive again! Revive my spirit. Help me out of this pit of despair!” I couldn’t wait for the day when I could sing these words and truly mean it.

That day finally came, and the freedom that accompanied it was unbelievable.

A couple of weeks ago, I was running to this song, and I was brought back to that time. God taught me a lot about Himself, myself, and others during that most difficult season, but it certainly wasn’t fun in the midst of gasping for breath. Sometimes when I am presented with a decision of “right or wrong” (or I think there is a right or wrong – because sometimes there is no right or wrong), I feel breathless…no REST…just panting, wheezing, and desperate for fresh air. My mind races with possible outcomes…with potential consequences, good or bad…with the fear of displeasing my Father…with the fear of making the wrong decision! Frantic.

Last week, I got a glimpse of freedom…a hint of RESTful breathing. I decided I wanted to skip class…a very similar story to a few months ago, however, this time, there was very little turmoil with my decision. There were certainly instances throughout the day that I felt as if I had made the wrong decision, but this experience was a step toward freedom…a step toward understanding how to REST my mind. I’m not exactly sure how this happened, but I wonder if it just comes with time, practice, and prayer, of course. I’m sure God will give me plenty more opportunities this year to make choices like this, and I can only hope and pray that I will continue to grow in RESTful confidence in decision-making.

I don’t think there will ever be a day here on this earth that I will be completely free to REST fully, but I believe God will honor my efforts, and one day I will be able to quote Anberlin’s lyrics and truly mean them again.

For now, I will celebrate a glimpse of RESTful breathing, and continue in this journey of learning how to REST.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Too Restless to Listen


“It just so happens” that God knows that music speaks to my heart.

The other night, I was saying goodbye to some people I love in a parking lot after a meeting, and as I was putting my car into drive, my friend held up his pointer finger signaling “wait!” I put my foot on the brake, rolled down my window, and waited for him to approach my car. He was very excited about sharing a cd with me, and eagerly said, “Listen to #5”.

A couple days later, I popped the cd into my laptop, and selected track #5, which “just so happened” to be called “RESTless”.

“You dwell in the songs that we are singing
Rising to the Heavens
Rising to Your heart
Our praises filling up the spaces
In between our frailty and everything You are
You are the keeper of my heart

And I am restless
I’m restless
'Til I rest in You
‘Till I rest in You
(Oh God I wanna rest in You)

Oh speak now for my soul is listening
Say that You have saved me
Whisper in the dark
'Cause I know You’re more than my salvation
Without You I am hopeless
Tell me who You are
You are the keeper of my heart

And I am restless
I’m restless
'Til I rest in You
‘Till I rest in You
Oh God I wanna rest in You

Still my heart
Hold me close
Let me hear a still small voice
Let it grow
Let it rise
Into a shout
Into a cry

And I am restless
I’m restless
'Til I rest in You
'Till I rest in You
Oh God let me rest in You”

Luke had no idea that God has asked me to learn about REST in 2011. BUT God knew that He could use an ordinary person in my life to pass on a song that would speak to me.

I want to REST in You, Lord. Let me REST in You.

It seems that part of REST requires listening. Part of listening requires silence aka “not talking”.

God “just so happened” to use another ordinary person to speak to me a few days before I received these telling lyrics. It all started when I began explaining to Jeff how difficult the past 2 hours had been for me. Since October of 2008, I have been spending time with some wonderful people who have HIV/AIDS. There are two guys that have been at the house all along, but periodically there are new individuals that come to live there. This particular day, there was a new gentleman who was extremely talkative. I am not joking when I say that he talked for 2 hours straight. I couldn’t get a word in, which is pretty atypical for me. By the end of the night, I was completely worn out. After I told Jeff about the experience, he said that had happened to him once, and in the midst of the homeless man’s never-ending story, Jeff felt the Holy Spirit gently nudging him saying, “Look in the mirror”. Instantly, I knew that God was saying the same thing to me.

I love to pray BUT I love to talk. My prayer life is full of thanking, praising, petitioning, intercession, but rarely if ever, do I listen for that still small voice.

“It just so happens” that Lent was right around the corner of these interactions. I had been asking God to show me what He wanted me to do for these upcoming 40 days. He showed me. He wants me to listen, so I can REST in Him. So I have decided to fast for a meal once a week and spend that time in silence, listening for that still small voice. That may seem like peanuts to some, but for me, it’s a small step in the right direction of learning what it means to REST.

God, I want to REST in You. Help me to listen. Help me to hear You.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Crowns and Gold Metals

I used to be the queen of passive-aggressive behavior. I could have won a gold metal if there were prizes given for Best Passive-Aggressivist.

This behavior brought many challenges, but one of the most difficult for me was functioning in the presence of an individual whom I was upset or angry with. I would sulk in my own corner as far away from the person as possible, and if he would approach me, I would either refuse to talk or spout off unkind, sarcastic comments. I needed to show him that he hurt me. My sadness and/or anger would consume me, and I would shut down.

Shutting down was a key characteristic of this period in my life. There was absolutely no REST in my passive-aggressive behavior.

Several years ago, God sent a friend full of grace and mercy to challenge me in this unhealthy behavior. Not only did he help me identify it, but he also supported me through the pain of change.

Today I can say that I have given my crown and gold metal away, and have grown tremendously in my conflict resolution skills. Of course, there are still times I find myself going back to that default coping mechanism, but overall, I feel free.

Throughout these past few years, I have learned to function pretty well in most situations, including those in which I am uncomfortable or uncertain. In the moment, I find REST in God’s loving grace. In the moment, I am typically able to be myself even if there is tension or confusion. What I continue to struggle with, however, is finding REST in the moments before and/or after an uncomfortable or uncertain situation.

Thank you, Jesus, for taking my crown and gold metal. Thank you in advance for providing me with REST in the moments before and/or after uncomfortable or uncertain situations.

Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you…The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:13 – 14